Local School Council

The Tubman Local School Council (LSC) is a publicly-elected council of parents, teachers, school staff, and community representatives that oversees the school budget, planning and improvements, and the hiring and evaluation of the school principal.*

Next Meeting
Organizational Meeting
Meeting Archive

The Chicago Board of Education has adopted a Code of Ethics to ensure board members, LSC members, employees, and contractors act in the highest ethical manner in order to preserve the public trust of residents and taxpayers.

Key Council Responsibilities

  1. School improvement planning: Developing and approving the school Continuous Improvement Work Plan (CIWP). This living document drives overall school improvement planning. It is developed and approved by the Local School Council  for each Chicago Public School every two years. The 2023-24 school year is the first year of our current CIWP.
  2. School budget: Developing and approving the school’s budget and discretionary funds, including yearly approval of the Supplemental Grant of State Aid (SGSA) budget
  3. Principal selection: Principals are hired for a 4-year contract, at the end of which they are either rehired or replaced by the LSC
  4. Principal evaluation: Conducting performance evaluations of the Principal throughout the 4-year contract

In addition to these four primary responsibilities, our LSC is devoted to and involved in many other areas of school improvement. In order to better focus on these specific areas, the LSC forms committees. Anyone interested in serving on an LSC committee may join. You do not need to be elected to join a committee or attend meetings.

Current Council Members

  • Tonya Hammaker, Principal
  • Charisse Brooks, Non-Teacher Representative
  • Cynthia Chernoff, Secretary, Parent Representative
  • Robert Daigneau, Community Representative
  • Eryn Fleener, Teacher Representative
  • Katie Harry Shipham, Parent Representative
  • Ileana Inserni, Chair, Parent Representative 
  • Nicholas Hall, FOIA, Teacher Representative
  • Sarah Ogeto, Vice-Chair, Parent Representative
  • Michael Weinstock, Parent Representative
  • Student Representative - vacancy
  • Parent Representative - vacancy
  • Community Representative - vacancy

For information about LSC elections, including eligibility, nomination forms, history, and training, please visit the CPS Local School Councils homepage.

Council Meetings

The Tubman LSC for the 2023-24 School Year is as follows:
-August 30, 2023 @ 6PM
-September 13, 2023 @ 4:30PM
-October 11, 2023 @ 6PM
-November 8, 2023 @ 4:30PM
-December 13, 2023 @ 6PM
-January 10, 2024 @ 4:30PM
-February 13, 2024 @ 6PM
-March 13, 2024 @ 4:30PM
-April 10, 2024 @ 6PM
-May 8, 2024 @ 4:30PM
-May 29, 2024 @ 6PM

Meetings are open to the public, and time is allotted for public comments.

Whether you are a parent, staff member, or local community member, we encourage you to attend, and welcome your input!

Please feel free to contact the Tubman LSC with questions and comments.

LSC Committees

TIES (Tubman Inclusive Education Supporters) - A safe and joyful space for those who care for children with IEP’s and 504’s, their siblings and for those who want to support our efforts and educate themselves and their children on disability, inclusion and advocacy. tubmanties@gmail.com

Click here to view the T.I.E.S. informational flyer

  • Upcoming TIES meetings (all at 6pm via zoom):

Communication and Engagement -  Committee Chair Cindy Wahtola, LSC Parent Rep: This committee is looking for new and creative ways to make families feel connected to the school community. The school is great because of our families and we want to know more about them. Tubmanconnect@gmail.com .

  • Upcoming meetings: TBD

Equity - Committee Chair Sarah Ogeto, LSC Parent Rep: To develop, guide, and advance initiatives that strengthen and build an equitable learning environment for all. tubmanequity@gmail.com 

Budget - Committee Chair TBD

Principal Evaluation - Committee Chair TBD

Continous Improvement Work Plan (CIWP) - Committee Chair TBD

LGBTQIA - Committee Chair TBD

Professional Personnel Leadership Committee (PPLC)

  • As an advisory committee, the PPLC develops and presents recommendations to the Principal and the Local School Council on matters relating to the educational program, including, but not limited to, curriculum, school improvement plan development and implementation, and school budgeting.
  • 2023-24 PPLC Members:
    -Myriah Brown (Interventionist)
    -Eryn Fleener (LSC, PYP)
    -Evan Gillis (PYP)
    -Nicholas Hall (LSC, Specialist)
    -Emily Hulbert (PYP)

    -Michele McNally (IB MYP)
    -Rebecca Rosenberg (Case Manager, MYP)
    -Carly Wallace (PYP)
  • 2023-24 Meeting Dates:
    -November 14, 2023 @ 3PM - Minutes
    -December 5, 2023 @ 3PM - Minutes
    -January 9, 2024 @ 3PM - Minutes
    -February 6, 2024 @ 3PM - Minutes
    -March 5, 2024 @ 3PM - Minutes
    -April 2, 2024 @ 3PM - Minutes
    -April 30, 2024 @ 3PM - Minutes
    -May 28, 2024 @ 3PM - Minutes
    Meetings are open to the public, and time is allotted for public comments.

*Formed in the 1980s as part of Chicago public school reform, Local School Councils were designed to give greater oversight and control to individual schools and their communities, and are required by law.

Each Local School Council consists of 11 elected members (six parent representatives, two teacher representatives, two community representatives, and one non-teaching staff member) and the school principal.

  • All eleven elected members of the LSC serve a two-year term; the school principal has a permanent seat on the council
  • Principals are hired for a 4-year contract, at the end of which they are either rehired or replaced by the LSC
  • Members of the school faculty and staff elect the teacher and non-teaching staff member representatives
  • Community representatives must reside within the school attendance area, but not have a child at the school