Upcoming Events
November 4
No school for students. Student led conferences.
November 5
No school for students.
November 6
Local School Council monthly meeting
6:00PM - Room 109
We are Harriet Tubman Elementary School
Our Mission and Vision
Our promise is to provide a nurturing, challenging, and authentic learning environment. We will instill within our students a love of learning by identifying their positive distinctions through academics, the arts, and athletics. We empower students to be responsible, contributing members of an international community through service and action.
As a result, Tubman students will be lifelong learners who are persistent problem solvers, inquisitive about the world, and have a strong sense of self driven by ongoing reflection. Tubman students will be caring and principled, and possess a foundation of knowledge that equips them to build a more peaceful world.
Our Graduates
Tubman students will be life-long learners who are persistent problem solvers, inquisitive about the world, and have a strong sense of self driven by ongoing reflection. Tubman students will be caring and principled, and possess a foundation of knowledge that equips them to build a more peaceful world.
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